Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) For Business

Why Choose Ekshhot Business App ?

Getting online is absolutely free. We don't charge any onboarding fees. All stores can get online hassle-free. Customer can easily discover all nearby stores and restaurant on Ekshhot App. It lets you list your business, edit & update information, offers, and helps connect to customers nearby. Changing the way India will do business!

What Features Will I Get With Ekshhot Business App ?

You can list your business in the directory section. So Users can easily discover your business and reach you.
You can enlist and sell your products. You can upload pictures of your products. You can post offers and improve your visibility.

Will Ekshhot deliver the product?

Yes, Ekshhot will take care of doorstep delivery.

Can I do delivery myself?

Yes, Ekshhot give you freedom to choose either Ekshhot delivery services or you can do delivery yourself. 1-800-121-9975.

On which platform I can download the app?

Ekshhot Business app is available for both Android and IOS mobiles. It is not available on windows and Blackberry devices.

Do I have to pay to start using the app??

No, Ekshhot Business App is a free app

How much commission de we charge on sale of product?

We charge less than our competitor; feel free to contact us for further info